MONSTERS or are they?

Beast Reaver Dust Devil
Scorpion of the Land Forest night Crawler


            The Beast Reaver is a humanoid insect, roughly five foot six inches tall it has four arms and stands up right on two human like legs. The face is like a classic insect fly it has two large eyes a retraceable snorkel like trunk that it uses to suck up its food; they also possess an intimidating set of mandibles that protrude from the lower jaw. The body is very wide almost as wide as it is tall the legs are short and powerfully built the arms are thick and strong. The upper set are half as long as the lower set and are tipped with large a two-fingered hand with an opposing thumb. The lower set is not quite as impressive and is used to walk/run they also end with the same kind of hands. Their bodes are covered by a thick chitin’s exoskeleton with many fine sharp hairs. The wings have shrunk and are useless for flight but they are used to communicate and to make short hop/glides. Also like all insects they can climb up and cling to almost any surface.

            The Beast Reaver runs in packs or swarms that can range from 3 to 18 members.  Such packs are unusual and many do not number more than 2 to 6 members. They are voracious eaters that hunt and eat constantly they can eat up to two times their weight in food a day so there are not many large packs. Or echo systems that could sustain them for long. 

The young can take up to two months to mature from maggot to grub and the adult stage. Many Reavers mate and leave a few eggs behind on large kills luckily they are only in heat a few times in the year. The maggots and grubs are not nearly as dangers as the adults.

The Reavers have a low I.Q. and never use manmade tools. But they can learn simple words and fraises. Their language is simple and has few words that are not articulate to humans or are hard to reproduce. Many will not stop to parlay or would rather eat you instead. Some will use sticks or pick up a rifle and use it, as a club but will not know how to fire it. They do not build shelters or carry any valuables.

Alignment: Considered a diabolic predator

Attributes: I.Q.: 2D4, M.E.: 2D6+4, M.A.: 1D6, P.S.: 3D6+30, P.P.: 3D6+, P.E.: 3D6+12, P.B: 1D6, S.P.D:1D6x10   P.S. and P.E. are considered supernatural.

M.D.C.: 150 (S.D.C. 100) Hit Points: 30 in a S.D.C environment

Size:  Height:5ft +1D6inches Width: 4 ft at the shoulder Weight:200 to 260 pounds  Length: Young adults

Life Span: 2-5 years.

Available O.C.C. none

P.P.E.: 1D6

Natural Abilities:

1.       Polarized Sight: Can tell direction (95%) by the position of the sun and by the direction of sunlight.  Not adversely affected by bright light and glare.

2.       Antenna:

·         Track and maneuver by smell alone: 75%; roll once for every 2000 feet (610m).  Double range for chemical secretions of that species and four miles (6.4 km) for smelling the chemical alarm of that species (automatically recognizes alarm chemicals).  A failed role means the scent trail is temporarily lost; two successful rolls out of three means the trail has been rediscovered.

·         Smell the coming of rain:60%

·         Accurately identify wind dirction:80%. Furthermore the antenna (and body hair) are also sensitive to vibration, enabling them to detect both motion and sound.

·         Motion detection and track by motion detection alone: 50% can follow prey by following the air vibrations caused by movement ( not sound per se, but air movement).  Range: 500 feet (152 m).

·         Hear ultrasonic sounds; super keen hearing:  Average range: 2000 feet (365 m).

3.       Communicate with Ultrasonic Sound: by vibrating their small wings on their backs they can produces ultrasonic sounds.  Average range 2000 feet (365 m).  can also product sounds that are audible to humans.  The same sound can by used to produce painful high pitched sound that can be used to temporally stun prey for 1D4 melees in a 50-foot radius (double range and duration under water).  To do this the Reaver must build up to a ultrasonic pulse that takes 4 melee rounds during this time all attacks are cut in half.  If the attack is successful then their preys loses combat initiative and must stop to reorient him/herself they are unable to perform difficult tasks and are -40% to all skill roles.  And must role to remain standing 1-70% chance of being knocked to the ground.

4.       Chemical Sent Sprays:

·         Chemical Death:  When the Reaver is killed or looses 80% of it main body S.D.C. or M.D.C., it releases a strong chemical that reeks of death.  This warns others of its kind that one of their members has just been violently slain, signaling danger.

·         Chemical Love: A chemical aroma is released that can be smelled by adult males of the same species for up to four miles 96.4).  Males are irresistible drawn to the are and are bewitched by the female’s aroma of love: must role an 18 or higher to save vs the insect love chemical- no bonuses to save are applicable.

5.       Digestive Acid Spray: Like the common house fly the Beast Reaver vomits or spits out a corrosive acid that it uses to break down its food before it sucks it up and eats it.  The acid can be spit up to 30 feet away and does 3D6 MD damage (4D6 in SDC worlds).  If the acid is not wipe or washed off quickly it does 1D6 MD (2D6 in SDC worlds) more damage for 1D6 more rounds.  Should the acid get in to the eyes it well cause permanent blindness.  The acid can cover a one-foot area and causes sever burns.  The acid can will break down MDC material, bones, walls, weapons, and armor luckily the acid can be washed off with common water.

Magic Powers: None

Psionics:  None  

Skills of Note All Reavers have these skills and natural abilities: 

Language Beast Reaver (98%) Prowl (89%) Swim (40%) Tracking (85%)

Combat: Bite (2D6 MD), Punch (6D6 MD), Raking Claw Strike (3D6 MD), Kick (1D4x10 MD), Crush/Squeeze (3D6 MD) per melee plus damage from spines 1D4 first round only. 

Note: Add in P.S. bonuses to all attacks

Bonuses:7 attacks per melee round, +8 to Initiative, Bite/Head But +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, + to pull punch, +to roll with impacted,

save vs:  +4 Poison and chemicals

Natural AR Rating: 12

Body Armor: Only their natural armor they never use manmade armor or weapons

Cybernetics/Bionics: None

Market Value as Slaves or Fighters: None they are just too wild.

Savings: None

Equipment:  None  


Dust Devil

The Dust Devil is a demon created by the symbol circle mage.  The Dust Devil appears as a humanoid of about five to six feet in height with glowing red eyes that is composed of dust.  The Devil can flow through cracks and under door jams only airtight chambers can keep it out.  Dust Devils can not speak but make sounds like the wind stirring sand. 

They have a low level of intelligence and can carry out simple instructions like move the box, kill him or stand guard.  When sent to attack they will do so without fear or remorse.  When ordered to kill it will use whatever weapons are at hand and /or magic but they can not fire guns or operate machinery.  If they do pick up a gun they will us it as bludgeon.

The Dust Devil can carry up to 1500 pounds and still moves at maximum speed.  The devil will obey only its creator and will remain in existences until the spell's duration elapses or the spell caster cancels it.  It possesses supernatural strength and can inflict mega-damage.

Stats for the Dust Devil

IQ. 10 PS. 30 (super natural) PP. 25

Horror Factor 10


Can increase weight from 20 pounds up to one ton.  Height can also very from five feet to ten feet by absorbing the dust around it.  Bio-regenerate at 1D4 x 10 every 2 melees. Night vision 100 feet prowl 95% hide in shadows 95%.

Combat Bonuses

Plus 3 on initiative. 4 attacks per melee Damage: Plus 15

Plus5 to strike, parry, and dodge.

Critical Strike 19-20.

Restrained Punch 6D6 SDC. Punch 1D4 x 10 MD. Power Punch 1D6 x 10 MD.

Kick 1D4 x 10 Leap Kick 1D4 x 10 plus 10

Strengths/Weakness: Rune & Magical weapons do full damage all energy type weapons do only half damage.  Bullets have no effect on dust devils; explosives well scatter the dust devil for 1D4-melee rounds it will then reform with no real damage done.  Water does 1D6 MD per gallon.  Punches and kick pass through the dust devil doing no damage at all.


The Dust Devil knows the following spells Magical Missile, Ground Thunder, Ball of Flames, and Poison Wind



Forest Night Crawler

Something’s should not be seen by the light of day the Forest Night Crawler is one such thing.  The Forest Night Crawler is a fiendish creature it has a long sinuous serpentine body, six limbs, a massive head, large bulging eyes and powerful jaws with a large set of mandibles.  Large segmented spiked plates cover their bodies very similar to crabs but there are very agile and fast.

The Night Crawlers live high in the upper canopy among the shade of the great trees that cover the Homeland.  These creatures live near the naturally accruing pools that form in the hallowed trunks of the oldest trees. 

Race: Amphibian

Life Span: 15 to 20 years

Hit Points: P.E. x 2

M.D.: (All are equal in an S.D.C. environment, Natural AR rating:15)

25 per Arm (6)

10 per tail segment (7)

20 Head

100 Main Body (3)

 Available O.C.C.  None NPC

Alignment: Considered diabolic predator.


I.Q.: 2D6 (highly intelligent predator), M.E.: 3D6, M.A.: 3D6, P.S.: 3D6+10, P.P.: 5D6, P.E.: 3D6, P.B: 2D6, S.P.D: 1D4x10

PPE: 3D6

Size: Length: 15 feet Young adults 6 feet Weight:

Natural Abilities:

1.       Night Vision: Can see in total darkness for up to 400 feet.

2.       Chameleon: The Night Crawler’s scales are a mottled brown, black and white, useful for blending in against dark objects, especially tree trunks, dark brushes, dark rocks and bare earth.  In the right environment, or in near darkness (only starlight, or dim torch light), as long as the character remains completely motionless, there is only a 10% chances of being detected. This power is no substitute for the Prowl Skill, but it gives the character a +20% bonus to prowl in the right environment. They are also able to temporally make them selves invisible to the naked eye there for blending in to their surroundings

3.        Death-Like Stances: Allows the Night Crawler to become absolutely motionless, to slow breathing and other body functions.  In this state the Night Crawler can go up to two weeks without food or water.  Also, if the Night Crawler is trapped in a sealed area with a limited air supple, the Death-Like Stance will reduce the creature’s oxygen consumption to only a tenth of normal (the air would last ten times as long). While in the Death-Like Stance, hidden Night Crawler chances of being detected are only 15%.  Combined with their natural camouflage pattern on their shells, then the chances of being detected while in a Death-Like Stances are reduced to 4%.

·         Constrictive Body Muscles: All squeezing, weather from wrapping a flexible tail around a victim, or from wrapping around arms in a wrestling-style lock, is stronger and quicker because of the special design of their muscles.  The Forest night Crawler can use these muscles with either a Pin/Incapacitate or Crush/Squeeze attack.

·         Both Pin/Incapacitate and Crush/Squeeze are normal hand-to-hand attacks, and require a successful Roll to Strike.  If successful, and not parried or dodged, then the attacker has a “bearhug” or “body lock” on the victom.

·         If constrictive body muscles are used with a Pin/Incapacitate, then the victom is completely helpless, unable to attack, defend, or otherwise move physically, until released.  Once a pin/incapacitate succeeds, the attacker can continue applying it as long as he likes, doing no damage.

·         If constrictive body muscles are used with a Crush/Squeeze then the victom must save vs. Blackout (14 or better on twenty sided dices), with P.E. or P.S. bonus added in.  Failure means the victom goes unconscious.  The saving throw bonus comes from either P.E. or P.S., depending on how the victim is reacting.  If the victim is just struggling to breath and stay awake, but not to escape, then the P.E. bonus applies.  If the victim is just struggling to escape, then the P.S. bonus applies.  While the crush/squeeze continues, the victim is helpless, and the attacker can continues, the victim is helpless, and the attacker can continue indefinitely, doing damage of 1D6, plus the attacking character’s P.S. damage bonus only (no damage bonus from other training allowed), per each melee attack.  The victim cannot reduce the damage by Rolling with Punch/Fall.

4.        Escape from a constrictive hold: Victims held by constrictive body muscles can only get out with brute strength, or if released by the attacker.  Several people struggling to free the victim, including the victim and any helpful comrades, can try to break the hold by rolling a pure strength strike (twenty-sided dices  and P.S. bonus only).  The character doing the hold then rolls to parry, (twenty-sided dices and P.S. bonus, plus bonus to parry), the highest number wins the struggle.

Magic Powers: None

Psionics: None

Skills of Note:

Climb:( 98%) Back Flip (78%) Climb Rope (89%)Prowl (78%) Swim (98%) Jump (length 25ft) Tracking (68%) Detect Ambush (45%) Detect Concealment (75%)

Combat: Combat: Bite (4D6 MD), Punch (4D6 MD), Raking Claw Strike (3D6 MD), Crush/Squeeze (3D6 MD) per melee plus damage from spines 1D4 first round only. 

Bonuses: Attacks per melee round 5, +3 to Initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry, +5 to dodge, +1 to pull punch, +8 to roll with impacted, save vs Insanity +, Magic +, Magic Ritual +, Poison + Horror Factor +3

Body Armor: None only their naturally occurring armor.


Market Value as Slaves or Fighters: 2500 on the slave market as fighters can be tamed when captured young and can be trained as guard dogs (add 1500 when trained as guards).

Savings: None

Equipment:  None


Scorpion of the Land

The Giant Scorpion is a veracious hunter that only sleeps when it is to cold or there is no food available other wise it is constantly on the hunt and can easily go into a  feeding Frenzy much like a shark      (+2 to all strikes).  They hunt by sight as well as by body heat and movement. They can see in Twilight best (about 600 ft) normal daylight cuts their vision in half.   They can also sense where their prey is at by hairs that covers their whole bode that work like heat and motion sensors so that they don't need light to hunt.

                The Giant Scorpion come equipped with a very toxic poison and a ultra sharp stinger for delivering the poison.  The poison that the giant scorpion produces is so toxic that it eat through most metals that requires a natural 15 to save vs poison (penalties still apply even if save is successful exempted the hit point damage).  Victims stung by the scorpion take 1D6 Hit Point/MD damage for every melee that they are effected by this poison.  They will soon die unless a poison cure is used fond to cure them.  If a cure is found they will be -5 to strike and -6 to dodge and parry aswell as be unable to perform tasked that required a skill role (-45% to all skills) And will have little to no sense of balance or direction along with nausea ( for 2D6 hours).  The scorpion often shakes their prey after they have been stung it to get the most poison delivered in a sting.  The stinger that delivers the poison can pierce most armor drop AR. rating by 5 points when a successful strike has been made.  Along with this stinger comes an impressive set of claws and body armor that has spikes and barbs along the joints and lines the claws.  

              The giant scorpion is a constant menace to travelers because of the fact that they are attracted to campfires, warm pieces of machinery and sleeping people.  Many unfortunate travelers have fallen victim to roving bands and lone hunters of these vicious beasties.  They have been know to travel in packs ranging from 1 to 10 members.  The best thing that can be done to keep these roving band at bay is to use plants and sent glands from creatures that prey on them.

                Its young are born in eggs that are carried by the mother scorpion until they are to big to carry.  Typically they can have as many as 50 eggs in one hatching but only 10 may survive to adulthood.  One of the biggest things that kills young scorpions is the fact that they are cannibals and will eat their own young. They range in colors from black, brown and yellow.

                  The Giant Scorpion likes warm climates typically deserts and hot humid swamps.  This helps to keep the Giant Scorpion active.  They have little to no tolerate to the cold and quickly lose speed and mobility in temperatures under 70 degrees ferrenhight (cut speed and all combat bonuses in half).

Race: Giant Scorpion (Anthropoid) Life span: Five years

Hit Points: PE. plus 2D6 S.D.C: 200 (young have 120 SDC.) AR: 17

Mega damage in mega damage world's.  M.D.C: 200 plus PE. (young have 120 MD.)

Level: N/A O.C.C: None

Alignment: Diabolic Animal

Treasure: None only that which is dropped in their lair after a meal.

Value: As arena stile fighters 1,000 to 20,000 gold depending on the buyer.  The armor can be made into a suit of armor ( AR 12 80 SDC/MDC) or sold for 300 gold.  The poison can also be used and sold for 150 in gold.

I.Q.: 1D6, PS: 2D6 + 18, P.P.: 2D6 + 12, P.E.: 2D6 + 18, P.B.: 1D4, S.P.D: 2D6 x 10 MPH:

PPE: 1D6

Size: Height: Four feet at the shoulder.  Length: Body Six feet, Tail nine feet, Five foot reach. Weight: Five hundred pounds.


Natural Abilities:

1.       Cling to any Surface: Like most insects the scorpion can cling to any surface.  They can even walk up vertical walls and hang up side down from ceilings.

2.       Twilight Vision: The giant Scorpions are able to see better in half light or near darkness that they can see in full light of day. They can see clearly for up to 600 ft in twilight but in full daylight their vision is greatly reduced to a mere 100 feet even then they are almost totally blind, and must rely on their other sense to find prey.

3.       Heat Sensitive hairs and motion detectors: The Scorpions can locate their prey by hairs that cover their bodes that work like heat and motion sensors so that they don't need light to hunt.  The hairs allow the Scorpions to “sense” the location, size, and temperature of warm objects and creatures, just by heat and movement.  Works in any amount of light, or in total darkness, with a 20 foot range.  Unfortunately they can not distinguish between living creatures and intimate object that give off heat. So they can and will strike at torches and warm pieces of machinery this is do in part to their poor vision. The hairs also work as motion detectors by detecting the movement of the surrounding air.  With this they will strike at almost any movement to check if it is prey or not.

4.       Toxic Venom: Victims stung by the scorpion take 1D6 Hit Point/MD damage for every melee that they are effected by this poison.  They will soon die unless a poison cure is used fond to cure them.  If a cure is found they will be -5 to strike and -6 to dodge and parry aswell as be unable to perform tasked that required a skill role (-45% to all skills) And will have little to no sense of balance or direction along with nausea ( for 2D6 hours).

       Note: The Scorpions are not immune to their own venom.


Climb:( 83 %), Senesce of Balance ( 80%), Prowl ( 98%), Swim ( 45%), Tracking ( 75%), Land Navigation ( 85%), Detect Ambush ( 78%), Detect Concealment ( 89%)


Save VS.: Poison ( 2 )

Combat: Hand to hand:( Animal ) Number of attacks:( 5 ) Restrained Punch:( N/A ) Punch/Slap (6D6 SDC ) Full Punch/Slap ( 1D4 x 10 MD ) Claws ( 2D6 MD every melee trapped in the claws.  Need a strength of 30 to open them. ) Spikes ( 2D6 SDC ) Flip/Throw ( 2D4 MD ) Head But ( 3D6 SDC ) Body Block ( 2D6 SDC ) Tear /Pry ( 4D6 MD )


Bonuses: Initiative:( 3 )Damage: + 6 (Tail strike +5) Strike: +4 (Tail strike +6) Parry: +4  Dodge: +4  Pull: +3   Roll: +3  Disarm:

Special Attacks:

Knockout:( 20 ) Death blow:( 19-20 ) Critical Strike:( 20 )



   You are out for a quiet walk in the forest and you hear a lone howl in the distances and then several others in reply.  Perhaps it is just a wolf, maybe not.  You begin to look at your surroundings for shelter or a defensible position, for the first time you begin to note the large spider webs high in the tree tops.  With this realization you hear the howling coming from all sides and growing closer.

    Wolfspiders are natural pack hunters from an alien dimension, they follow the strongest member of the pack who can lead the pack as well as keep the pack will fed and healthy.  In their home dimension they travel in packs ranging from 6 to 30 pack members they tend to like forest and plains country.  They are very territorial and have been know to take on much larger and deadlier monsters than them selves.  In the wild it is a travelers worst nightmare to be caught by a pack of hungry wolfspiders for rarely do they back away from large game or heavily armed foes unless more than half of the hunting pack is slain or driven off.  But even after being driven off they may return with the rest of the pack members to Finnish what they started.
    Wolfspiders appear to be a cross between a wolf and a spider they have the eight legs of a spider with a wicked sharp claw at the end.  If a leg is cut off or the wolfspider is engird and loses a part of their body they will grow it back.  A leg will take about a week where as a ear or eye about three days injuries taken to the brain can not be repaired.  The head looks like a normal wolfs with hollow venom felled fangs.  Their bodies are segmented (no tail )and their coats are very thick in the winter and they thin out for the summer.
    Just like the spider the Wolfspider can spin a web to entangle their prey or make a large web (strength per foot 100 S.D.C... or 1 M.D.C. a combined strength of 25 is needed to break a one foot strand of web ).  The webbing is not as beautifully spun as a conventional spiders but every bet as effective.  They have been know to setup elaborate trap with giant webs strung up between trees to entangle fleeing prey that is carefully herded into the webs, or make pits that are covered by webbing that the wolfspiders hide in only to spring out at unsuspecting prey.
    Wolfspiders range in color from white, brown, gray's, black and a mixtures of colors.  Their eye color ranges from blue to black they have excellent night vision and can see in total darkness for up to 300 ft.  They can be taught to do simple thing just like dogs, some trainers have even taught them to use metal leg spurs to hamstring fleeing prey.  Wolfspiders also make for great watch dogs.  Some people have taken to using them for transportation or as defenders of a house or village.  Many wolf spiders that are used as watch dogs or guards are fitted with soft leather armor or chain mail for extra protection.
    They bread like wolves and have live births, in letters of 2D6 pups.  The milk that they produce is a excellent source for anti venom and can be found in potions that fight the effects of magical and mundane poisons.  And it also makes for a tasty drink.

Race:  Wolfspider
Life span: 25-30 years
Hit Points: Physical endurance plus 3D6 plus 3D6 per level
S.D.C..: 150 plus 3D6 per level (pups 75) AR: 15 (pups 8) (-      )
M.D.C: 150 plus PE. add 3D6 per level (pups 75) (-      )
Natural A.R. Rating:  14
Regenerates: 1D6 Hit Points/MD every three Minutes
Level: average level of  3-6
O.C.C: equal to wilderness scout
Rank: Alpha leader or pack member
Alignment: Any most are Unprincipled
Treasure: Tends to collect valuables from fallen prey.
Value: As a trained watch dog 6,000 to 5,000 gold as a war mount 1,500 to 4,500 gold.
I.Q.: 1D6 + 6 very cunning, ME:  2D6, MA: 1D6 + 4, PS: 2D6 + 15 (add 6 if alpha leader), PP: 2D6 + 15 ( add 6 if alpha leader), PE: 3D6 + 6 P.B: 3D6 S.P.D: 1D4 x 10  Super natural Strength and Physical Endurance .
Horror Factor: 8
PPE: 2D6
Size: Height Four feet plus 3D6 inches. Length of one leg three feet .   Length of the body four feet abdomen three feet . Width Body width of three feet (add one foot to over all height, length and width for alphas)  Weight: 300 lb.'s

Natural Abilities:
Spin Webbing: (strength per foot 100 SDC or 1 MDC a combined strength of 25 is needed to break a one foot strand of web ).

Cling to all most any Surface:  Like true spiders Spiderwolvies can cling to many of the same surfaces that they can.  They can even walk up vertical walls and hang up side down from ceilings.

Poisonous Venom:  The Wolfspider has a very toxic bite, it injects poison in to it prey through two fanged teeth.  The poison bite causes 2D6 damage and injects poison into their prey.  A save versus lethal poison ( 15 or higher ) is necessary or the character takes 3D6 points of additional damage and the entire body goes numb the heart slows down and general paralyses sets in.  The victim of such a bit will die without a ant venom in one hour after being bit.  Cut all combat bonus’s speed attacks per melee in half even if a successful save is made and reduce skills by 50%.  The effects last for 2D4 hours.

Skills on Note All Wolfspiders have the following skills that are the equivalent of other skills:
Climb:89 %
Back Flip 80 %
Climb Rope 98 %
Senesce of Balance 89 %
Prowl 89 %
Swim 78 %
Jump (length 20 FT )
Tracking  55 % plus 4% per level
Counter Tracking 55 % plus 5% per level
Land Navigation 60 % plus 4% per level
Detect Ambush 70 % plus 55 per level
Detect Concealment 55 % plus 5% per level

Combat: Hand to hand:( animal ) Number of attacks 4 plus 1 for every other level of experience.
Restrained Punch:( 5D6 SDC )   Punch ( 3D6 MD )   Full Punch ( 6D6 MD )   Kick ( 4D6 )                        Leap Kick ( 1D4 x 10 ) Bite ( 4D6 MD ) Poisson's Bite Fangs ( 2D4 MD ) Claws ( 2D6 MD )
Flip/Throw ( 2D4 ) Head But ( 1D6 SDC)  Body Block ( 2D6 SDC) Tear /Pry ( 2D6 MD )
Special Attacks
Knockout: ( 20 ) Death blow: ( 19-20 ) Critical Strike: ( 19-20 ) Entangle ( 16-20 )
Bonuses Initiative:( 2 )
Damage: +   Strike: + 2 Parry: + 3 Dodge: + 3 Pull: + 2  Roll: +  Disarm: 3: save vs. Magic +2, Magic Ritual +1, Poison +3 Horror Factor +2, Psionics +2, Death /Coma +3%, and Poison +10

Metal Spurs      1D6

Ancient Weapons/W.P.s      Strike     Parry         Throw
Knife  (Spurs)                            2              1                                plus  1 every other level 3,5,7,9,11,13
Net (Web)                                  2              3                 4             plus 1 every third level 3,6,9,12

None, cannot use them do to their ability to regenerate lost limbs and body parts.